"What I'd like to see is a UI that rezzes in-world as a 3D object, instead of one that creates window upon window on my screen. The way it is now, and even before V2, calls to mind the concept of a HUD spazzing on steroids or one of those seedy websites that gives tons of pop-ups."

This is an idea that goes back to my first weeks as a newbie on the Second Life grid, as Lara Languish, when I was struggling through the steep learning curve we all face when first entering SL. (Ah, the days of box-on-the-head. The nostalgia!)
Anything that draws us out of the 3D experience, is in my opinion an obstacle to the immersive experience that SL facilitated into being. It draws the mind out of the "world" of SL back into flat-space reminding the user that what they are viewing is actually being displayed on a flat screen. Web-on-a-prim is great because it brings brings flat-space into world in a way that doesn't draw the user out of the experience. In comparison to the click & load webpages, a big step forward. However, all the stuff on the screen when working on any kind major learning or building project, seems to me to negate this progress.
Is a practical idea? I don't know, but I think it could be if the right minds shaped and engineered it and the right hardware tech was in place to support it.
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